KC Rose in Bloom
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Is it Spring Yet?
We got the results back from Taylor's biopsy, and thankfully they were negative. We had our big Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's house for the first time this year. She did a great job! Our Aunts have told us that they are tired of hosting the holidays and it is time for the younger generation to start taking it over. So, guess who had the big Christmas party? Yours truly! I was really nervous about pulling it off, but it went really well. I don't remember the exact count, but I think we had about 35 people. I've had that many people over before, but just for casual get togethers. Mainly youth devos. Speaking of which, we also hosted 2 youth devotionals at our house. One for the 7th-12th grade kids and one for the 4th-6th grade kids. Those are always so much fun!
We have also had our share of illness in our extended family. We are so thankful that everyone is doing okay now. First, my mother started having problems with her back. She had an MRI and found out that she had (and still has) one bulging disc and two discs that are sitting on top of each other. Then, the back problems caused nerve damage and she broke her leg. Both bones, right at the ankle! She had to have surgery to repair that. Then, we found out that when they did the MRI they found a tumor on one of her kidneys. The doctor was sure it was cancer and she had surgery to remove one of her kidneys. He said that this type of tumor usually has no symptoms until it is too late. After the surgery, we found out that they tumor WASN'T cancer, but most likely would have had to be removed anyway. She wasn't happy that she probably could have waited to have a WHOLE KIDNEY removed! Now, she has cracked her ankle again and is back in the boot!
After all that, my mother in law had a stay in the hospital and my brother in law had to have surgery to remove his gall bladder. Then my baby niece had pneumonia, and my Grandmother had to stay in the hospital for pneumonia. Most recently my baby niece had surgery to have tubes put in her ear. I am so thankful that all of these things weren't too serious and have had a good outcome and everyone is recovering now. But my nerves would like to have a break from worrying about people that I love.
We have also had some deaths in the family this month. My Papaw (my mother's dad) passed away last week. He had been in the nursing home for about a year and had congestive heart failure, then his kidneys failed. A couple of weeks ago, Jonathan's uncle, Carl Rosenblum passed away. And, just a few days ago, Lena's brother in law passed away. That's 3... and I am praying that the old wives tale that bad things come in threes is true and that will be all for a while.
There are lots of things I am looking forward to! Did I mention it is almost spring?! This winter hasn't been that cold, but it has seemed especially rainy and dreary. My depression always seems to act up in the winter and this one has been especially rough. I am doing another craft show in March! I have a lot of work to do for that! I am also in charge of a puppet team for Lads to Leaders again this year. We haven't even started and I'm getting very anxious about it! But, we always manage to pull it off! The girls are both doing speeches, puppets, and Art Says it at Lads to Leaders this year. And, Taylor is doing Group Scrap Book, Songs of Praise, and Good Samaritan. Think that's enough? LOL. Lads is April 6th, and we have 5 weeks to finish getting ready for it. YIKES! I better get going!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fall 2011
Taylor Tara, and Breanna are riding the bus home to my house every day this school year. It's crazy around here in the afternoons, but it's a lot of fun. :) I pick Megan up since her big sister is going to a different school this year and wouldn't ride the same bus with her. This is nice though because it gives me and Megan a little one on one time before the big girls get home.
I am amazed constantly by how fast time is flying by and trying not to think about the fact that in just a few short months my girls will be 13 and 10! Hello teen and tween drama! Not that we don't already have drama around here. :)
Taylor had an outpatient procedure and is healing up nicely from that. We are anxiously awaiting the results from the test to make sure that the spots they removed weren't Melanoma. I'm expecting the results to be negative and so is the doctor, but it will be a relief to actually hear that. She has done well, but isn't used to pain, if there is such a thing. (being used to pain). She needs my help to get her hair washed and to get dressed, and has had a hard time getting comfortable to sleep because of where the incisions are. Megan is acting up a little bit this week. I suspect because Taylor is getting extra attention. She especially doesn't like it when Taylor misses school and she has to go. I asked her if she wanted me to cut two big holes in her arms so she could stay home. She didn't like that idea.
Megan has been doing better this school year. She still doesn't like to get up and go to school in the mornings. But, we don't have screaming crying fits every morning. We do some mornings, but it's not every morning like it was last year. I'm still not sure what to do about this. It seems I have tried everything. She has decided that she would like to try playing volleyball and basketball this next year. I really think she would enjoy it if she could get over the fact that playing sports involves people sitting around watching you. Lol. She loves to be active.
Megan's newest obsession is making lists. She has made ALL kinds of lists. Especially Christmas lists. She likes to "shop" on Amazon.com and make lists of all the things she likes. She knows she's not going to get everything on her lists, and doesn't expect to, she just likes making them. Maybe she'll be really organized when she grows up. She definitely didn't get that from her Momma. I make lists sometimes, but that is just because I can't remember things if I don't! Lol
Monday, September 26, 2011
Kaycee's Chicken Stew
You will need:
- One small, whole chicken (sometimes I roast one myself and sometimes I cheat and get a rotisserie chicken already cooked)
- One 28 oz can of diced tomatoes
- One 14.5 oz can of Italian style diced tomatoes
- 2 bags of frozen Kroger 12 oz vegetable soup mix - this includes carrots, potatoes, corn, green beans, lima beans, okra, green peas, celery and onions
- salt and pepper
If your chicken is uncooked, roast in the oven @350 degrees, breast side up for 20 minutes per pound. Then, I simply shred my chicken, and put it in the rest of the ingredients (don't drain the tomatoes). If you have a larger chicken, you will need another bag of vegetables and one or two more cans of tomatoes. Just depends on how much chicken you have. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for at least an hour (two or three is better). Oh, and you'll need to add some water.
Make sure you use the italian flavored tomatoes - that's what makes it so good! :)
See?! Easy peasy and super healthy!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Megan's Wall Art

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Taylor's Room Makeover

Here is the vanity table that we got at a thrift store. Pretty nasty isn't it? Nothing a little sanding and painting can't fix! We got the Vanity table for $25 and the paint was a bucket of oops paint that I got for $3! It was outdoor paint so it should be very durable. Taylor now uses this table to store and put on her makeup. We got a cork board for half off at Hobby Lobby to hang above it and hold all of Taylor's pictures and little keepsakes.

And here it is after...

We collected these frames from various places, painted and distressed them using sand paper and stain, and put fabric in them for a whole wall of art. We used craft paint on the wooden ones, and spray paint for plastic on the plastic ones. We decided afterward that it would have been cool if we had painted different colors under the cream paint so it would show through after we sanded it. The night stand was a great roadside find. Taylor liked the distressed finish on it so we just added new knobs (we got 50% off at Hobby Lobby). We freshened the lamp shade up with a new ribbon and painted a wooden bowl with our favorite shade of turquoise craft paint.
This is the other side of the room including artwork that Taylor hasn't finished yet, and a metallic and black trunk that I found at Hobby Lobby for 80% off. It's great storage for Taylor's stuffed animals that she isn't ready to part with, but doesn't want to display in her room. It also serves as additional seating. The green chest of drawers was something I bought a few months ago for $25! We might end up painting it later, but decided it's okay for now.
This is a little table that we painted with our turquoise paint for the other side of the bed. The rest of the furniture and decor is stuff that she already had in her room, or we had around the house.

This antique dresser was handed down from my great, great-aunt. This and the bed have been in Taylor's room for a while. Unfortunately the bed got BROKEN at the youth devo we had at our house this past weekend! Haha! Too many kids sitting on a VERY old bed at once. Hopefully we'll get it fixed soon. Right now her boxspring and mattress is sitting on the floor. Luckily I got a picture of it beforehand! :)